Business informatics is a discipline combining economics, economics of digitization, business administration, information technology, and concepts of computer science. The BI discipline was created in Germany (in German: Wirtschaftsinformatik). It is an established academic discipline including bachelor, master, diploma and PhD programs in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and is establishing in an increasing number of other countries as well as Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Malaysia, Poland and Mexico.
Business Informatics focuses on developing software and hardware systems that make it possible for a business to function more effectively from an IT perspective, ultimately providing an organization with a competitive advantage based on superior application of information technology.

Over the course of 15 years the world has seen tremendous change and one of those changes is the progress of technological advances. A development that now encompasses the entire world. Alongside technology, business has also come a long way, playing a part in almost all aspects of our lives. The two, business and technology, have grown so close together that they can't be set apart. This strong bond is the cause of the formation of Business Informatics. Computer Science, an undoubtedly prestigious course is gradually leaving it's graduates without jobs. Business Informatics, however, has a very versatile implication giving it's graduates a greater chance at finding work. Business Informatics continues to grow and develop and in 15 more years it will be even grander.